
Showing posts from April, 2023

Chinese Mun Shou Porcelain Collectors

Chinese Mun Shou Porcelain,  typically designed in a variety of forms including tea pots, tea cups, saucers, tea sets, plates, serving platters, bowls,  as decor or as dining and serving wares. Today "Mun Shou" porcelain is common, since it is very appreciated.  Can be bought all over the world as well as through e commerce stores or dealers and galleries that specialize in Chinese and Asian porcelain. However, Mun Shou Collectors should take note why the prices of Mun Shou of the same form do varies.  For certain make,  - the design appears similar, the coloring seems to smear - the color seems to be light noting a cheaper quality - eg the cups are thicker - not so refine Good quality Chinese Mun Shou -  1) thin  porcelain - a more refine ware 2) Deeper embossed inset to bring out the 3D design 3) Colored ink of quality - deep to bring out the quality of the design 4) the colors do not smear These are more recent make of Mun Shou porcelains Compared w...

The BLESSING Bracelet

 Came across this YouTube Movie The Blessing Bracelet It was a very good idea for us who forgets to Give Thanks - Appreciation in our lives. The minute we give gratitude, we feel blessed - great - joyful.   This is the blessing braclet - inspired by Dawn Sprong What is the Blessing Bracelet The Blessing Bracelet   Whenever you wear it acknowledge one blessing in your life for each pearl on the bracelet.   Each time you are drawn to the bracelet, silently find four people or things you can be grateful for.   Be grateful for: Your children, a flower, your dog, a perfect cup of coffee, a roof over your head – just find something.   The more you wear the bracelet and the more blessings you find, the more you will be blessed.  In one year, if followed, you will be aware of a profound change in your life.” -------------- “I wrote the tag after exp...