The BLESSING Bracelet
Came across this YouTube Movie
The Blessing Bracelet
It was a very good idea for us who forgets to Give Thanks - Appreciation in our lives.
The minute we give gratitude, we feel blessed - great - joyful.
This is the blessing braclet - inspired by Dawn Sprong
What is the Blessing Bracelet
The Blessing Bracelet
Whenever you wear it acknowledge one blessing in your life for each pearl on the bracelet.
Each time you are drawn to the bracelet, silently find four people or things you can be grateful for.
Be grateful for: Your children, a flower, your dog, a perfect cup of coffee, a roof over your head – just find something.
The more you wear the bracelet and the more blessings you find, the more you will be blessed. In one year, if followed, you will be aware of a profound change in your life.”
“I wrote the tag after experiencing a major shift in my own life that taught me how important it is to be aware of all that you already have. My life changed dramatically when I discovered that, though I already received most of what I wanted in life, I never took time to appreciate it. I was always focused, as many of us are, on the next thing, and then the next thing. The more I brought gratitude practice into my daily life, the more I received to be grateful for. The message on the tag was my attempt to inspire others to slow down and appreciate life again. After all, it is pretty amazing.”
– Dawn Sprong, Founder
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